Thursday, January 21, 2016

ésta es Lucrecia, aunque su

 que aparece con el triángulo invertido con la punta coloreada es un día de depre¬sión relativa, en el que durante el mismo día sufre infinidad de altibajos.
Los días con el corazón, la semana buena, aquí Lupin está muy contento e incluso mimo- so con todo el mundo, pero según como sea tratado él, la semana siguiente puede ser re-lativamente buena o... un infierno.
^ Este día es una incógnita, pues es un misterio que obedece sólo a cuestiones íntimas del propio Lupin, es el día sorpresa, después Lupin sigue con su ciclo habitual.

Dieta Mtórmca
Sí, amigos, en Hogwarts se lleva la dieta Mediterránea, se acabaron las gachas, los estofados grasientos, las grandes cantidades de carne y dulces a todas horas, por no hablar de los sopotocientos banquetes que se hacen al año, así no es de extrañar que la enfermería siempre esté repleta! Segu¬ro que son todo niños empachaos!
No sabemos quien era el encargado de hacer las dietas en el tiempo de este doujinshi, pero seguro que era alguien muy considerado con los estómagos de los pobres estudiantes.
En los menús del douji encontramos caiditos, ensaladas, pasta, las carnes son variadas y ligeras (pollo, pavo y cone¬jo, abunda el pescado azul y la fruta en el postre. 
la Cocina.

Todo el mundo sabe que en la cocina de Hogwarts curran los el¬fos domésticos, como Dobby o Winky, entonces....¿qué hace este buen hombre, cuchillo en mano con gorro de chef? Os lo presen-taremos, se trata del jefe de cocina de Hogwarts, nadie sabe su nombre auténtico,pero todos le llaman "Sr. Lechuga" por su afi¬ción a servir ensaladas a todas horas. ¿Y los elfos? pues muy sen¬cillo, en los libros se dice que durante el reinado de Voldemort, los elfos domésticos fueron poco menos que condenados al ostracismo, los más privilegiados seguían sirviendo a las familias poderosas, pero de los demás nada se dice, suponemos que se mantenían ocultos y de un curro digno... ni hablar! Así, pues, hemos pensado que en la cocina de Hogwarts de la época de los merodeadores trabaje gente, magos, pero magos que no coci¬nan con magia, sino que les gusta cocinar de verdad. El señor Lechuga es el jefe, tiene a car¬go unos veinte trabajadores a los que él llama "esclavos". Lo cierto es que a pesar de su mal¬humorado carácter, todo el mundo lo aprecia y aunque amenace con el cuchillo, permite que James y compañía le roben los guisos.
Los cocineros de Hogwarts están muy valorados por Dumbledore, aunque de vez en cuando tengan disputas por los menús, ya que a Dumbledore le gusta la comida más consistente.

Gafes liuipias-
¿Por qué James guarda sus gafas en un vaso con agua cuando se va a dor¬mir? ¿Acaso cree que son una dentadura postiza? No tenemos explicación (lógica) para esta frikada, asi que lo más seguro es que se trate de eso, una frikada, por parte de James, pa que todos veamos lo loco que está y lo su- perchuli que es, y es que las gafas nunca hay que limpiarlas en seco.

H Custo Datoan, oi$aí
Puede que sea pobre, puede que siempre vaya vestido con trapillos, pero increíblemente, Lu- pin es el personaje que más camisetas tiene! hehe...pero... prenda mía 3 casi todas son de pu¬blicidad, algunas nos preguntamos cómo las habrá conseguido, como la de Lloret de Mar, al¬guien de su familia debió veranear allí y datasprint  se la trajo de regalo. Lo cierto es que (no es la prime¬ra vez que lo decimos) nos encanta vestir a Lupin, es muy mono y toda la ropita le queda muy bien, especialmente las camisetas, especialmente las rotitas y gastadas, en el fondo los eslogans que aparecen y el hecho de que sean viejas y gastadas es toda una declaración de principios de este personaje, él no necesita nada más y si a eso añadimos que la mayoría de ellas le van más bien cortitas y se le ve la barriguitaaa.... ehehehe XD=== 
Buscando en él toól de los
recuerdos, muí!
Estamos en el año 1977, en primavera. El mundo mágico está un poco patas parriba, es una época extraña, aún bajo el yugo de Voldemort, la sensación es de total optimismo, sin embar¬go, a pesar de la calma la tormenta hace ruido y eso se nota en la política, pues en tres años se han sucedido siete ministros mágicos. Las dimisiones de estos ministros las han provocado los diferentes alzamientos de los diversos grupos de gente mágica en conflicto, a saber:

Política: Millicent Bagnold es la actual ministra de magia, acaba de suceder a Peter Prune, que dimitió por presiones internas, Bagnold ha heredado el pésimo equipo de gobierno de su an¬tecesor, su labor es dura, pero parece haber empezado con mejor pie que Prune. Dolores Um- bridge, ministra de

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

la me¬rienda

y como me gustan a mí, esperamos que os gus¬ten y que disfrutéis con toda esta parida permanente. Un beso! :* Aprovechamos pa recordaros nuestra dirección de inail pa cualquier duda, sugerencia o flor: waterpartyboys@hotmail.coni Los personajes Estos personajes nos fascinan, estos personajes nos encantan 3, por eso les hemos hecho no uno sino tres (y camino de cuatro) doujinshis de momento, que aún queda... Entre otras cosas nos gusta de ellos que dejan mucho a la imaginación, de lo que vais a leer cualquier parecido con la realidad es pura coincidencia y si algo coincidiera nos pondríamos una medalla más grande que una paella, sí, señor! Jam Potter James Potter está empeñado en ser el protagonista de esta historia y aunque lo sentimos por él, porque es mu majo, tenemos que decir que no lo es. Sin embar¬go no sabemos cómo se lo monta para aparecer siem¬pre en primer lugar A AU Sí es que... es famoso por ser “el padre de". James nació un bonito día del bonito año 1960 en una bonita localidad, vive con sus bonitos padres y todo es felicidad en su vida. Bleeeej! Si por entrada de datos la "bonita" información verídica que disponemos de él fuera, seria un personaje de lo más insulso. Os vamos a contar nuestro particular cuento sobre James, escuchad, criaturas: El señor y la señora Potter eran un adorable matrimo¬nio que vivía en Truro. Eran tan felices juntos que se olvidaron incluso de tener hijos, por lo que, cuando se acordaron eran mayorcitos. Así fue como James vino al mundo mágico, con unos padres que podrían ser sus abuelos. Esto no influyó para que James se criara con mucho amor y dedicación (sobre todo eso, pues ambos estaban ya jubilados) James era un encanto de niño, iba a la iglesia, al cole¬gio muggle de parvulario y primaria y tenía muchos amiguitos. No era un niño que destacara especialmente, no era ni el más alto, ni el más bajo, ni el más guapo, ni el más feo, ni el más listo o el más tonto, ni siquiera era el que jugaba mejor a fútbol, ni el que más corría. Tan sólo destacaban en él sus tremendamente enormes gafas. Sus padres compraron a James unas gafas que le sirvieran durante toda su vida, sí, los Potter eran los más rácanos de todos los magos. En cambio, el peque¬ño James se crió generoso, no soportaba la racanería de sus padres. El señor Potter se ocupó de que su hijo supiera desde el principio que era un mago y que tarde o temprano sus poderes se manifestarían y debería mantenerlos en secreto. Esta idea encantó a James, que enseguida se vio a sí mismo como un super heroe enmascarado. Esta creencia cobró más vida en su mente cuando su padre le regaló su capa invisible y le construyó una escoba (pa no tener que comprársela) Esa experiencia marcó a James: él y su padre cogieron de la basura un enorme trozo de madera de caoba y con la ayuda de un manual crearon la "Potter Special" una escoba rojiza con letras doradas. Entonces James supo que iría a Gty- ffindor cuando entrara en Hogwarts. Hemos querido saber más acerca de James, así que le hemos preguntado varias cosas intere-santes, también le hacen preguntas algunos lectores y amigos del doujinshi: - ¿Cuándo empezó tu afición por el Quidditch? J: La verdad es que el Quidditch me interesaba más bien poco, no seguía la liga, tan sólo los mundiales... pero cuando entré a Hogwarts y vi el primer partido a nivel de colegio me con-mocioné. Los chicos que había en el equipo se esfrozaban muchísimo y eran muy populares entre las chicas, eso fue lo que me convenció para presentarme a las pruebas, las pasé, y ahí estoy, hecho una estrella!;) - ¿Cómo ha afectado el beso de Sirias a tus sentimientos porLily? J: Ufff... qué cosas preguntáis, no tenéis vergüenza... ahmmmm... Mis sentimientos por Lily son muy muy fuertes, por muy alto, moreno, guapetón y buenorro que esté mi amigo... fff... eso no va a cambiar nada... ¿no? -Sinceramente...¿Qué sentiste cuando supiste ¡pie Lupin era un hombre-lobo? J: Ammm... fue muy fuerte, joder, imagínate! pero en el fondo sentí envidia, no penséis mal, una envidia rara, sana tampoco... cómo decirte? Joder, Lupin se convirtió en el centro de a- tención, de repente todos nos volcamos con él y le prestamos todo nuestro apoyo, estábamos muy unidos y yo me sentí un tanto desplazado, durante un tiempo no hicimos trastadas por respeto a él, que estaba jodido. Entonces, se me ocurrió lo de los animagos, fuá! Y triunfé, soy la hostia ;) Volvimos a ser los mismos de antes, pero más unidos, fue muy guay. -¿Si te enteras que a uno de tus amigos le gusta la misma chica que a ti, qué harías? J: Fuah, tío, (neng)... qué chungo! Phhhhh Yo siempre he dicho que la amistad es lo primero, perooo, tratándose de Lily... no me callaría, yo la vi primero, pero si ella prefiriera al otro... me enfadarla con los dos! Sí, eso haría. -¿Qué quieres hacer después de acabar Hogwarts? J: Ser funcionario mágico, ésos sí que saben! No pegan varitazo al agua, cobran bien y no cu¬rran los fines de semana. Pero sé que es difícil sacar las O.P.O.S. (Ocasión de Pillar un Ópti¬mo Salario), de todas formas lo intentaré cuando tenga oportunidad, porque lo que más me gustaría es

Monday, January 18, 2016

In Depth Look On Stage Hire

This hire involving holding regarding any sort of celebration is amongst the most significant regions to obtain right. For anyone who is preparing a patio function you will need to take into account the fact that weather may impression your current setting up specifications. By way of example, would it be gonna rain around the evening of this affair - if that's the case you will have to think of retaining ones phone speaker, wedding band as well as singer dry - let alone each of the expensive lights as well as sound apparatus that is to be for the point. You should also consider if the evening is likely to be incredibly inviting : to have the very best in the period roofing you should make it as black as you can to enable you to see the lighting as well as online video monitors which are fixed, in addition to never goal your current phase in the sunlight once the sun's rays will be setting : the particular crowd will not likely be able to see a point! Developing a significant top include on your phase will guard entertainers through the sunshine - or perhaps some other two extremes of conditions. In addition to since the effectiveness locations them selves you should think about some insured regions backstage and to the features in the phase - these kind of may be used with the phase supervision crew for you to store again brand, seem, illumination along with video clip tools. One of the primary factors whenever getting virtually any festivity or show staging is actually just what impact the blowing wind may have for the celebration. Wind flow velocity and also direction usually are essential while planning for the occasion. Mindful organizing needs to be given to the place from the stage, taking into consideration your course involving applicable blowing wind, the positioning with the point in addition to so that open up confronts in the stage aren't offered to this immediate the breeze can knock back -- this may produce items extremely tough when the wind flow speed picks up. Renting a point provides the perfect filming position pertaining to commercials, episodic telly, movies, songs video tutorials, infomercials, along with reality shows. Nevertheless how will you start acquiring this type of position? This short article provides you with a few ways to picking out the phase hire of which fits your filming needs. Letting a new filming area can be quite a complicated method, mostly on account of be concerned that your project won't turn out the method that you think about that. The 1st step in locating a location is to analyse your family needs. To date, can be as easy determined can be that you might want it indoors--but today precisely what? Think about the length of the team plus the requirements of this venture to make the decision the length of space you would like.Are you looking about Birmingham Festival stage hire? Look at the before mentioned website.

Additionally consider some other information since props as well as other apparatus. Are you needing a fairly furnished living space, or maybe are you providing all of your individual equipment? Different should look at incorporate lights, parking availability, accessibility, hair styling and also make-up parts, electrical hookups, service dining rooms, power accessibility, and in many cases air-con (your crew will thanks, trust me). Think carefully about investing possible hire spaces which meet minor or it's unlikely that any of the wants. After you have considered your preferences along with simplified lower your alternatives to a couple of potential customers, speak with past customers or look at the space's site. Constantly make sure to check out the recommendations; they are often your easiest cause of information about how the venue entrepreneurs handled addressed troubles and also presented all round program. It can be an specially critical device should you be letting your level from afar. The internet site need to be thoroughly clean and have absolutely several images of all functions identified. Contact facts, an interest rate linen, and even an example long term contract should be offered on websites to produce enterprise less difficult. A number of closing techie considerations prior to invest in anything at all: Request this company in relation to stability downpayment stipulations. The time should it consider prior to the balance is reimbursed? You must fairly count on a number of the main put in being put aside pertaining to cleansing, as well as specially in the instance of damage. Additionally question that they treat overtime in addition to cancellation fees. By simply retaining these types of considerations in mind, you'll be able to remainder quick and learn the following filming spot will probably be programs the idea to become.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Complete Report On Saskatoon Excavating

Digging jobs and excavations can take quite a lot of time way back in early years. In order to ensure it is into schedule, numerous laborers were necessary for hard and intense manual job. These days however, the outcomes of these jobs are faster plus more precise and are finished with much less employees. There are companies at this point that focus on the job alone with complete equipments that you can work with. Then needless to say, there are modern methods that make the job less complicated and ideal for the projects it’s accomplished for. So remember that if you need assistance with Paramount Equipment Services , looking for a company would be the very best move.Excavating assistance turn out to be a wonderful choice whether it is for home extensions, flood preventions, road widening or anything that calls for excavation. Pros will have all the men and tools needed to have a fast and accurate job. The initial benefit you can get is that you won’t have to tire yourself. You are able to watch over the whole operation or simply be at the sides and watch the professionals work. What's more is they could make the job easier and faster at the given time or perhaps earlier than that.

Of course there'd be factors you must take note when looking for Excavating. If possible, it’s best to look for a locally managed business. They'd know about the sort of land and earth of the terrain. They might identify which parts are with bumpy, more supple or relatively right dirt. They'd similarly know which areas are not allowed for all kinds of excavation. To sum it all up, they're used with the whole place. You would not have to come across problems just because your excavating business doesn't know what they're going to strike.

peters excavating saskatoon healthAlso think about what and how big your project is. Your choices could be a lot more fitted to smaller-scaled jobs or perhaps larger kinds. Certainly, you could find those in the in-between but just opt for a business that could perform best with your plans. In keeping with this would be the help and pieces of equipment they'd offer. You need to select a firm with a complete line of tools since they will have all they need through the project the same as dozers, dewatering systems and excavators.The name of the Excavating Company you're using the services of should invariably be considered. These companies can only build good name by operating and delivering great outcomes for some time. Therefore in case you find a company with great name, you can be much more confident that they're a good firm to utilize. You are able to ensure your money and time is going to be spent well on them. Nevertheless it’s always preferable to look into the company first before going for their help. Moreover, take a look at options first and take time to know more about them. Try to take the time before jumping on a project.

Andy Wirth - An Understanding

With a Exclusive morning hours throughout Squaw Vly, Pond Tahoe, sunlight is usually great along with a fast breeze is actually moving your worrisome haze westward. Travelling the busy Small town with Squaw Pit along with Chief executive and TOP DOG connected with Squaw Vly Andy Wirth, you'll feel you were from the reputation in the area mayor. As well as in relation to Squaw, Wirth pretty much can be. Within July regarding recently, Wirth, an enthusiastic skydiver, has been out and about moving along with a pair of pals. Wirth affirms the particular conditions that day placed them equipped exactly where he previously for you to property inside a vineyard-a under best place. Since he / she ended up being doing one more getting techniques, the person of polish lineage holding up your vines took off Wirth's provide. Wirth came to the realization he or she was at a bad area quite swiftly. "My provide ended up being spurting out and about bloodstream such as as Monty Python draw, " they affirms. Getting recently been a backcountry ranger inside a past lifestyle, properly knowledgeable about tension within rural parts, he or she believed that it is important had been to help keep surprise at bay and remain quiet. A music reached him-'Just Breathe' through Gem Quickly pull, and they commenced vocal range the item for you to himself. The primary collection? "Yes I am aware of each life should end. " "It's definitely not just an optimistic communication, however the fact ended up being that demise has been any likely result, " this individual recalls. "The tune started to be a narrative in my opinion existing of which evening. "Wirth invested 15 minutes at this time there, in reference to his fists selected and planted within his or her brachial artery (the similar from the femoral artery inside the legs). He was identified, utilized in a ambulance and then the helicopter, in which they told the particular new driver "I've given it many I am able to, today it's your choice. inch He or she claims it had been he then knew in which inside his / her "fist struggle using death, inch he previously an important chance of located. The vacation involving healingAfter 3 months with clinic, the avid motorcyclist, jogger, and also very long time triathlete received his adjustable rate mortgage rear.If you are looking for additional info on andy wirth, click on the above website.

A new trying physical as well as emotive voyage regarding remaking their individuality (and regaining his fitness) was expecting him back home with Tahoe-a legitimate mountain to help size. Although this individual was back to running by simply 03, it absolutely was the slow-moving practice, and complicated to keep constructive. inches My own rate of metabolism got altered. I don't acquire a couple of ways rear We travelled way back, " he / she affirms. Then, a confluence involving occasions did start to transform things. Wirth attained any Fast Closure workforce in town accomplishing their own winter season mountain combat education. Wirth evolved into quickly close friends with a number of the men, lots of who contributed lots of the very same passions. In the meantime Wirth, who have known IRONMAN PRESIDENT Phil Messick for a long time, routed some sort of video clip connected with herself tying shoes to Messick, indicating this individual had been the government financial aid the particular saddle. Wirth have been forcing for getting an IRONMAN 70. 3 ethnic background in town, so when it was introduced, Messick apparently told Wirth, "You've received ones contest, now you want to do it. Wirth decided to build any exchange group having on the list of Dark blue Elephant seals however satisfied because swimmer, and something regarding Wirth's own biking close friends coming from college, in addition to himself since the jogger. Not to mention, your contest isn't just for enjoyable and game titles. Your a few males shaped some sort of staff termed Specific Warfare Warrior Help Workforce, and are boosting resources for the Navy Close Foundation from respect with the comrades who've lost lifestyle along with limb for the the front wrinkles. It is for all those folks, and also what exactly they've done of which nobody is aware of, inch Wirth states that, having experience. Wirth, inspite of the problems involving jogging with an provide splint, continues to be back again in typical function education because June. He or she states their completely new relationships (and teammates) possess helped him or her find transferred his or her own excuses not to teach in any presented day. "Those guys were my own motivation to keep proceeding, inch he or she states that. "They've assisted me uncover usual again. inch